Cancer Monthly Horoscope
Mars in the beginning of this month indicates that there will be just so much happening at your work place to be particularly productive. It will be more engaging than usual, if you are in business. Some unplanned expenses will increase at the same time income will also surge but the financial situation will require tactful handling. Venus will provide you the chances to have some connections beyond your own social circle. Some old health issues might resurface this time around. However, gradually you are likely to regain your vitality as the month advances. Mercury will make you able to put in action long conceived plan to push ahead your career prospects around the mid of this month. The planets may lead you towards financial growth and prosperity. It will be an important phase to take some vital decisions regarding your love life. Saturn indicates that the time to let go of a connection that is not serving you well. Jupiter is likely to provide you with some good opportunity and options to strike some good deals particularly if you doing business during the latter part of this month. But you may have to face unexpected expenses due to the complex energy of South Node. Venus will bring excitement and happiness in your love life. Some errors or omissions in your preparation for exams foreseen due to the impact of Mercury. Though your energy level may remain good you need to have better work-life management to have stress levels under control and to remain fit and fin. Saturn will demand you to exert more to achieve your objective in your career around the month end. Jupiter will help you in studies.