Chinese Zodiac Calculator and How It Works For You

Chinese zodiac calculator is different from the rest of the world. In Chinese tradition, a day’s 24 hours time period is further divided into 2hrs time slots, wherein each slot is dedicated to a particular Chinese zodiac sign. Chinese zodiac hour is named Zi shi, chou shi, yin shi, mao shi, Chen shi, si shi, wu shi, Wei shi, Chen shi, you shi, xu shi, and hai shi. Each of these zodiac hours is a 2-hour slot representing a zodiac sign.
Check My Chinese Zodiac Ascendant
We can use the Chinese Zodiac Calculator following the hour calendar below and check the Chinese Zodiac hours associated with each zodiac ascendant.
- The Chinese Zodiac hour Zi shi from 23.00-1.00 hr represents The Rat
- The Chou shi Zodiac hour from 1.00 – 3.00 hr represents The Ox
- The Yin shi Zodiac hour from 3.00-5.00 hr represents The Tiger
- The Mao shi Zodiac hour 5.00 – 7.00 hr represents The Rabbit
- The Chen shi Zodiac hour 7.00 – 9.00 represents The Dragon
- The Si shi Zodiac hour 9.00 – 11.00 represents The Snake
- The Wu shi Zodiac hour from 11.00-13.00 represents The Horse
- The Wei shi Zodiac hour from 13.00 -15.00 represents The Sheep
- The Shen shi Zodiac hour from 15.00 – 17.00 represents The Monkey
- The You shi Zodiac hour from 17.00-19.00 represents The Rooster
- The Xu shi Zodiac hour from 19.00 – 21.00 represents The Dog
- The Hai shi Zodiac hour from 21.00 – 23.00 represents The Pig.
Each of the zodiac hours represents a Chinese Zodiac Sign that helps determine your behaviour, qualities, and luck depending on the time you were born.
What are the signs for 2023? Consult our expert astrologers to know more about it.
Let’s see what the Zodiac Hours Mean and what they represent.
Chinese Zodiac Hour Meaning In Chinese Zodiac Calculator
- According to the Chinese Zodiac calculator, the hour Zi Shi from to 1.00 a.m.) is The Rat Zodiac animal Hour. It shows the hour just before the beginning of a new day. Rats are browsers always foraging at midnight. These people build relationships very quickly, are very curious, and are ready to mingle with like-minded. They like to follow their own instincts and dreams.
- As per the Chinese Zodiac Calculator, The hour Chou shi( from 1.01 a.m. To 3.00 a.m.) is The Ox Zodiac animal hour. They are very hardworking, with a desire to achieve their goals. However, they like to do things of their interest. These people are calm, balanced, peace-loving, and are very protective of their loved ones.
- The hour Yin shi (from 3.01 a.m. to 5.00 a.m.) is a Tiger ascendent. People belonging to this ascendent are energetic, lovable, possess leadership qualities, are always protective and caring, and feel like being a king, and want to look different from others.
- In the Chinese Zodiac Calculator, Mao shi hour (from 5.01 a.m. to 7.00 a.m.) is a Rabit ascendent. These people are very calm, peaceful and always support others. They like to be loved and taken care of. They never tend to cross their limits and believe in love and harmony.
- Chen shi hour (between 7.01 a.m. and 9.00 a.m.) is a Dragon ascendant in the Chinese zodiac Calculator. These people are courageous, ambitious, and full of energy. They are admired by their fellows and have a good risk-taking capacity.
- In the Chinese Zodiac Calculator, Si shi hour ( 9.01 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.) implies a Snake ascendent. These people are witty, skilful, clever, and use all means possible to achieve their goals; unfortunately, people sometimes fail to know what is in their minds until they disclose their intention.
- Wu shi hour (from 11.01 1.00 p.m.) shows a Horse ascendent. They are always loaded with energy and ready to achieve their goals by any means. They have different perceptions of life and follow their dreams. They love adventure and always search for change in life.
- Wei shi hour (from 1.01 p.m. -3.00 p.m.) represents The Sheep. These people are very indecisive, lazy, and shy by nature. These people have a lack of confidence. They are artistic but don’t like to take responsibility.
- Shen shi hour (from 3.. 01 p.m. – 5.00 p.m) belongs to a Monkey ascendent as meant by the Chinese Zodiac Calculator. People from this ascendent are sharp, skilful, clever, and very affectionate. Moreover, they understand how to handle the situation and solve a problem.
- In the Chinese Zodiac Calculator, You shi hour ( from 5.01 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.) Rooster ascendent. These people always want to get noticed, loved, and admired. They do anything to be part of the limelight. But they are also honest and faithful.
- As per the Chinese Zodiac Calculator, Xu shi hour (from 7.01 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.) is known as the Dog ascendent. These people are honest, strong, fearless, and fun-loving. They want to live life to the fullest. They are responsible and caring in a relationship.
- In the Chinese Zodiac Calculator, Hai shi hour (from 9.00 p.m- 11.00 p.m) represents a Pig ascendent. These people are reliable, soft-hearted, and kind. They are trustworthy, affectionate, and honest in relationships.
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Chinese Ascendant Calculation According To Chinese Zodiac Calculator
The Chinese astrology chart is based on four basic pillars: the year of birth, the month of birth, and chinese zodiac birth time. Chinese astrology by date of birth and time of birth follows the basic feng shui rules while calculating the horoscope. Along with feng shui, other schools of astrology are used in association. In comparison, the most important is the year, as it indicates the Chinese zodiac animal sign associated with it, which influences a several of person’s characteristics, personality traits, behaviour, fortune and misfortune, luck, and bad luck. The Chinese zodiac animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, rooster Monkey, Dog, and Pig. Like 2021 is called the year of Ox 2022, the year of the Tiger, and so on.
Similarly, the second important thing is the month of birth, which also plays an important role in a person’s life. This helps to find out which energy is associated with that zodiac animal, which are stars that are carrying positivity, and which are the ones creating trouble for them. Based on that, one can find out the best traits of a person.
Have a look at the chart mentioning the Zodiac Animal months with the specified features associated.
Month’s zodiac animal features
- December 6 to January 5 Rat Smart, Witty
- January 6 to February 3 Ox Hard- Working, Laborious
- February 4 to March 5 Tiger spontaneous, passionate
- March 6 to April 5 Rabbit Soft-hearted, Perceptive
- April 6 to May 5 Dragon strong, hard, Dignified
- May 6 to June 5 Snake Down to earth, wise
- June 6 to July 5 Horse Strong, tough, energetic
- July 6 to August 5 Sheep Soft and gentle
- August 6 to September 5 Monkey Cheerful, Full of Energy
- September 6 to October 5 Rooster Impressive, communication skill
- October 6 to November 5 Dog affectionate and loyal
- November 6 to December 5 Pig Diplomatic, smart, honest.
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Hope now you understand how you can follow the Chinese Zodiac Calculator method and calculate their Chinese zodiac based on their personal details, year, month, day, and Chinese zodiac time of birth respectively. However, these dates change every year since they are based on the Lunar Calendar therefore Chinese Calendar new year changes every year but the dates lie mostly in January or February.
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