Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces: Will Your Life More Backwards?

MyPandit July 19, 2022
Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces: Will Your Life More Backwards?

We are already on a wild ride as Mercury has started its backward journey, and now what if another planet is going to retrograde and makes you uncomfortable! Yes, Jupiter – The teacher of all planets, will start back spinning on July 29, 2022, in Pisces and will last until Nov 24, 2022. Well, we don’t need to stress about it; just think that this retrograde comes to test our limits.

Jupiter’s influence is generally positive and hopeful; the retrograde can make things easier to identify what we don’t have. This helps us to be practical and then proceed on our journeys with better insight. So, peeps, this is not a time to worry; in fact, put your best and be brave enough to face every challenge in life. Here’s how Jupiter’s retrograde in 2022 will influence you as per your zodiac sign.

Click Here and Read More About Pisces Zodiac Sign

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces impact on Aries: An Average Retrograde?

For Aries natives, Jupiter will start back spinning from the 12th house. Your health seems to be good during this retrograde. You are advised to avoid any type of investment as you might incur a loss. This retrograde may create problems for those who are doing jobs or business. You have to work a little bit more to gain more profits. The relationship between married couples is likely to remain average.

Remedy: It is beneficial to worship Lord Ganesha

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces 2022 effects on Taurus: No Short-term Investments?

Taurus, Jupiter will retrograde in your 11th house. You have to take care of your health, as certain health issues may arise due to Jupiter retrograde. You may have a tough time regarding your finances. So it is advisable to avoid any type of short term investment. Peeps, if you are in business or doing a job, you need to pay more attention to your work. Married folks may share a great time together. So make the most of it!

Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva to gain more benefits

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces predictions for Gemini: A Mixed Bag

Jupiter is going to start its backward journey from your 10th house. Gemini folks are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle as there are chances of minor health issues. You are advised to remain careful in terms of finances. Your professional life seems to be disturbed. The phase is likely to remain moderate for married couples or who are in a relationship. The planets placed in your birth chart also shape your marriage and love life.

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Remedy: Worship Lord Vishnu to remove the malefic effects.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces impact on Cancer: Expenses Ahead

Jupiter will be retrograde in the 9th house for the Cancerians. There are chances of minor difficulties in health during this retrograde. Some sudden expenses are indicated this time, so save your money for tough times. Be careful of those who are in business or doing a job. Married couples may see some ups and downs in their relationship.

Remedy: Worship Goddess Durga for maximum benefits.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces 2022 effects on Leo: May Not Roar?

For Leo natives, Jupiter turns retrograde from the 8th house. Do take care of your health during this time. It is advisable to follow healthy habits and check your fitness level. During this time, businesspersons and salaried employees may not get the expected profits. It is not a favourable period for long term investment. The phase seems to be moderate for married natives. Not only this retrograde, get your predictions for every day delivered right to your phone with the all-new MyPandit App

Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva for eliminating negativity from life.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces predictions for Virgo: Communication is the Key

For Virgo individuals, the retrograde Jupiter will start its backward journey from its 7th house. This time you are likely to enjoy your health. Be careful while investing financially. This retrograde might be challenging for entrepreneurs. There might be some estrangement among those who are working in partnership. Married folks may have some disputes, so try to maintain your relationship with proper communication.

Remedy: Worship Lord Ganesha to have a peaceful life.

Effects of Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces on Libra: Plan Your Finances Better

The Libra natives will experience retrograde Jupiter in the 6th house. During this retrograde, do not avoid your health, as small issues may result in major problems in future. Financially, proceed with proper planning to gain more benefits. Working employees and business persons may face some problems in their work. However, it could be a fantastic time for married couples and those who are in a relationship.

Remedy: Worship Lord Vishnu for gaining numerous benefits.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces 2022 effects on Scorpio: Some Ups, Some Downs

For Scorpio natives, Jupiter retrograde will take place in the 5th house. This time you may face ups and downs in your health. So it is suggested to take proper care of your health. If you are planning for any short term investment, then avoid this time. Natives who are engaged in business or jobs may see deterioration in their performance. Married couples or who are in a relationship may have conflicts with their partner.

You can also refer to your Free Yearly Report to understand your relationships better.


Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva for getting desired results.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces predictions for Sagittarius: Healthy Diet Helps!

For Sagittarius, the retrograde Jupiter will start its backward journey from its 4th house. Health seems to be good, but you should follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. You need to be careful in matters related to finance. Working employees or those who are in business may have some problems. In fact, there may be some tense situations among business people who are working in a partnership. You may face issues in your married life. Hence try to remain patient and solve your problems with mutual understanding.

Remedy: Worship Lord Ganesha for getting positive outcomes.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces impact on Capricorn: Avoid Expenses

For Capricorn, Jupiter will start back spinning from the 3rd house. Your health is likely to remain good. There may be an increase in your expenses. During this time, you are advised to avoid undertaking any risky financial activities that may cause you problems. You are suggested to pay more attention to your work. However, there is nothing substantial for married folks and those who are in a relationship.

Understand your compatibility with your partner with your Free Name Compatibility Report.


Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva to get maximum benefits.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces 2022 effects on Aquarius: Take Care of Finances

For Aquarius natives, Jupiter turns retrograde from the 2nd house. Health may not be favourable for Aquarius folks. During this time, you need to take care of your finances. Those who are engaged in a job or business are likely to face some new challenges in their work. Married natives may experience distance from their partners.

Remedy: It is beneficial to worship Lord Vishnu.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces 2022 effects on Pisces: Financial Stability?

For Pisces natives, the retrograde motion will start from the first house. Some physical and mental problems are foreseen. You can expect stable financial flow. During this phase, if you are in a business or in a job, you are likely to face some challenges. Those who are in a relationship or married are likely to enjoy this phase.

Remedy: Worship Goddess Durga to gain prosperity in your life.

Jupiter becomes Retrograde in Pisces Predictions

Yeah, we know that the retrograde energy may be tough to handle, but if you move ahead with proper planning and guidance, no one can stop you from achieving your goals. So, take this as your opportunity to shine and live your best life.

You can even Consult our Expert Astrologers to get more detailed insights and Personalized remedies for Jupiter retrograde.

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