Aries Constellation: Myths and Meaning Behind the Ram’s Head Symbol

A constellation is a pattern of stars in the night sky that has been recognized by astronomers. The word “constellation” is derived from the Latin word “constellation,” which means a group of stars. It is estimated that there are 88 official constellations. We can learn a lot about ourselves by looking at the stars. People from long ago viewed the stars and concluded that they were observing mythological beings, animals, and prominent figures in human culture. On the other hand, the vast majority of asterisms have only recently appeared. While some patterns are made of numerous bright stars from several constellations, most are small patterns within a constellation. Asterisms are not sanctioned by the International Astronomical Union, but people on all parts of Earth nevertheless appreciate and enjoy them.

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Aries Constellation meaning and The Myth of the Ram in the Sky

Aries zodiac constellation is found in the northern hemisphere. In Latin, it’s known as “ram.” The constellation’s symbol is ♈, which depicts a ram’s horns. Aries sign is frequently associated with the Greek myth about the Golden Fleece, in which the fleece was the prize of Jason and the Argonauts. Aries was first listed in the 2nd century BC by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in his Almagest, which is also known as the ‘Compendious Almagest.’

Named for the astrological sign of the zodiac, the Aries constellation contains Hamal and Sheratan, both bright stars that serve as landmarks in the constellation. These and several other deep-sky objects, such as the unbarred spiral galaxy NGC 772 and the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 1156, can be found in this constellation.

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Aries Constellation: Basic Facts and location

Aries is the 39th largest of the 88 constellations that are visible from Earth, covering an area of 441 square degrees. Lying in the northern hemisphere in the first quadrant, it can be seen between approximately 90 degrees and 60 degrees of latitude. Cetus, Perseus, Pisces, Taurus, and Triangulum are all neighboring constellations.

Aries is a part of the constellation. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are amongst the other twelve zodiac signs.

Only one Messier object is contained in the constellation, as there are no known planets or any other known astronomical objects that are contained within it. The first constellation in the zodiac is Hamal, the brightest star in the constellation. These showers, referred to as the Aries-Triangulids, Daytime-Arietids, Delta Arietids, Epsilon Arietids, and the May, Autumn, and Delta Arietids, are also associated with this constellation.

Aries Constellation Myths

For the Babylonians, Aries was the agricultural worker who brought the entire zodiac to a close. It is unclear why the Babylonians renamed the constellation after the ram. As a result of the Neo-Babylonian zodiac, which was redone in the 7th century BC, Arietis, Hamal, as well as other stars found near the vernal equinox became very prominent in the zodiac, and as a result, Aries became quite important in astrology.

Aries native is currently in an equinox because the Sun is moving from north to south. The equinox has shifted to Pisces due to the slow precession of Earth’s axis. The city was in Greek territory, in modern-day northern Iraq, from about 130 BC, but prior to that, it was identified as being south of Gamma Arietis (Mesarthim) and set as the beginning of the zodiac.

Aries is shown in Greek mythology as the ram who helped Phrixus, a young boy, escape the river Caurus, then escorted him to the land of Colchis, where he sacrificed the ram to the gods. The Golden Fleece that he placed in a temple as a disguise for the ram’s skin that he smuggled into the city is the same Golden Fleece that is used by Jason and the Argonauts in their adventure.

The king of Boeotia had a son named Phrixus. Helle was his twin sister. Before I came along, the children had only their natural mother, Kushina, to care for them. I did not like the children, and as a result, she tried to get rid of them. To ensure that the wheat crops failed, she developed a plan to lay the foundation for a famine on the land. I paid a man to lie and tell the Oracle that the king’s children would be sacrificed if the people did not have enough to eat.

Once Phrixus and Helle were saved by a winged ram with golden wool, they set out in search of the Golden Fleece. The ram was sent by Nephele, the cloud nymph, to test how loyal the flock was. It was hard to find an individual willing to give the East to both children. Only Phrixus made it through the ordeal. When Helle fell off the ram and drowned in the Dardanelles, her husband found out she was dead. In her memory, the strait has been renamed the Hellespont or the Sea of Helle.

King Aeëtes of Colchis welcomed Phrixus, presenting him with the Golden Fleece. To reward him, the king allowed Phrixus to take his daughter Chalciope as his wife.

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Aries Constellation Fixed Stars and Astrology

1. Hamal - Alpha Arietis

Name Meaning: Head of Ram
Color & Type : Giant orange star

A very bright star, Hamal, is in the Aries constellation and is the 48th brightest star in the night sky. Hamal is also known as Alpha Arietis. The sun, being a G-type star, is four times the size of the K-type orange giant and is approximately two magnitudes brighter, with an apparent magnitude ranging between 1.98 and 2.04. At the present time, the star is 66 light-years away. At the vernal equinox, Hamal was located between 2000 and 100 BC.

2. Sheratan - Beta Arietis

Name Meaning: The Two Signs
Color & Type : Subgiant blue-white star

59.6 light-years distant, the Sheratan System’s white main sequence star is accompanied by a spectroscopic binary (usually described as a visual binary). G class is the main suspect. The magnitude of Sheratan is 2.64. It’s named after a long-lost vernal equinox marked about 4000 years ago by the two stars in the constellation of Aries. Aries’ two chief stars were once Gamma Arietis marking the vernal equinox and the constellation of Aries was discovered by the two of them.

3. Mesarthim - Gamma Arietis

Name Meaning: The Fat Ram
Color & Type : Binary or multiple star system

Three stars exist in the system called Mesarthim, known by the designation of ‘Gamma Arietis’. It is also known as the First Star in Aries due to its proximity to the vernal equinox in the past.

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4. Delta Arietis

This star, known as Delta Arietis, is an orange K-type giant with an approximate distance of 168 light-years from Earth. The apparent magnitude of 4.35 and a diameter 13 times longer than the Sun represent the combined sizes of this object. While the star’s name originates from the Arabic word “butain,” which means “belly,” it is no longer referred to as the butain star today.

5. 41 Arietis

Color & Type : Triple star system

41 Arietis, known alternatively as b Arietis, is known as Bharani in traditional lore. It was named after the second house in Hindu astrology, which is also known as the second lunar mansion. Bharani belongs to the spectral class B8Vn and is located at a distance of 160 light-years.

6. Epsilon Arietis

Color & Type : Double blue-white star

The binary star Epsilon Arietis is 293 light-years away. Two white A-type main sequence dwarfs are 1.5 arc seconds apart in this white dwarf binary system. The constituent parts are 5.2 and 5.5 in apparent magnitude. This system consists of two stars that have a combined magnitude of 4.63.


The constellation Aries is rather small and dim, with only three brighter stars. It can be found between the Pleiades and the Great Square of Pegasus, in the northern sky, during the winter months.

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The Stars of the Aries Constellation

Name: Hamal – Alpha Arietis
Name Meaning: Head of Ram
Color & Type: Giant orange star

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