Scorpio and Aquarius Compatibility

Isn’t it magical to come together with another person who is just like you? Or does it take more than just chemistry and romance to build a strong foundation of love, security, and commitment? Well, the zodiac signs of two individuals can help tackle problems and reach higher levels of compatibility with their mate! Here is a couple born under elements that clash; water and air. It can open doors to either heaven or hell, when these two come together! Both of them come from a different place, and their understanding and ways of showing love are drastically opposite. So what do you think, can the Scorpio and Aquarius find a home in each other? Hold on tight, as this is a roller coaster!


24 Oct - 22 Nov


21 Jan - 18 Feb
Leadership skills

Scorpio And Aquarius Love Compatibility

Well, well, well! Here is a pairing whose fruition depends on how interesting and stimulating they find their differences. The Scorpio and Aquarius love compatibility is likely to be as follows:

  • The Scorpio is the first to tumble on love, but they might have to take a back seat and hold on to their patients. The Aquarius may find it weird!
  • For the Aquarian, falling in love is a decade-long process! They take high time to trust someone and when it comes to commitment, they will run away if they are pushed too much!
  • That being said, the secretive and mysterious charm that the Aquarian carries around snatches the Scorpion’s heart from the V beginning.
  • The Scorpio would therefore find it exciting and enthralling to get under the skin of the water bearer to understand their depth.
  • As both of them are highly focused and cerebral individuals, they feel an equal magnetic pull toward each other on an intellectual level. This eventually sparks up their mutual communication and takes their relationship ahead.

Pros Of Scorpio And Aquarius Relationship

Although they are distinct signs, there are enough similarities that can stick them with each other. Some noteworthy points of Scorpio and Aquarius couples

  • Both are rebellious in certain aspects of life and hence, they can relate to each other’s belief systems on a core level.
  • Scorpio being a brutally honest sign can sometimes get misjudged by certain people. However, that is not the case with the water bearer.
  • The Aquarian goes by fairness and non-judgemental nature. After the Scorpion realizes this quality of the former, they can openly and freely express themselves to their partner.
  • Unlike other signs who may feel abandoned by the Scorpion at times, Aquarius understands their dynamic personality to remain alone.
  • This is because the water bearer themselves requires a lot of space to indulge in their research or creative activities.

Cons Of Scorpio And Aquarius Relationship

Huge tides and storms can be seen when things are out of balance here! The challenges in this Scorpio and Aquarius match are mostly driven by their inability to mutually understand each other’s emotional needs. Let’s see what other cons this relationship might have:

  • While the Water-bearer prefers being closed off and hates letting their guard down, the Scorpion requires some sort of emotional expression at times.
  • This can lead to issues in making the relationship tick for a longer period. Well, there’s going to be a trouble in this paradise if things are not discussed mutually.
  • The protectiveness that arises out of the insecure Scorpio partner might also create havoc in the relationship. This is because Aquarian is a freedom-loving and independent individual.
  • The air sign if at any given point feels chained and claustrophobic in the relationship, their outburst can turn into a “Goodbye Felicia” situation. Similarly, the Scorpion can get distressed if they do not receive the kind of depth they long for.

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