Vastu for Plot – Vastu Shastra Tips for Buying The Best Plots

If you are looking to buy a plot, don’t forget to consider the Vastu factor before deciding. A plot chosen according to Vastu guidance is promising and will bring the housemates wealth, happiness, affluence, and health. In building any structure, Vastu Shastra promotes balance, symmetry, and harmony.

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Vastu for Plots Tips To Follow

Plots oriented toward the cardinal directions are preferred. That is North, South, East, and West. This is known as a Cardinal Plot. The plot’s magnetic axis is parallel to the Earth’s magnetic axis in this type of plot.

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When the cardinal directions intersect in the four corners of a plot, it is referred to as a Vidisha plot. The plot’s magnetic axis forms an angle with the magnetic axis of the Earth in this type of plot.

The best plots are square plots with all four sides equal and all angles of 90 degrees. The Vastupurusha grows best in square fields and brings wealth and happiness.

Rectangular plots with opposite sides equal and all four angles at 90 degrees are also excellent. The width-to-length ratio should not be greater than 1:2. It is very encouraging if the East-West axis is longer than the North-South axis.

Gaumukhi plots are plots that are narrow in the front and broad in the back. When the wide part of the plot is in the north-east, and the roads are on the southern or western sides, such plots are suitable for residence. It is unlucky if the plot’s narrowest point is to the north-east.

Shermukhi Plots or Vyaghra Plots are plots that are broad in the front and narrow in the back. These plots are suitable for commercial use if the more significant portion is in the north, extending towards the north-east, and the road is on the eastern or northern side.

Due to the emission of negative energy, triangular plots and other irregularly shaped plots are unlucky. Owners of such plots should make any necessary Vastu adjustments and try to shape the plot into a square or rectangle.

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Plots with extended or reduced corners or directions are typical. These extensions or reductions will undoubtedly affect the owner and his family, either positive or negative. Extensions are only favourable and auspicious if they are in the following directions:

  • North of North-East direction
  • East of North-East direction
  • North-East direction

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Vastu for Plots Shapes

Some plots have a road that cuts right through the plot. This is referred to as Vithi Shool, where Vithi is a road, and Shool is an arrow. This type of road directs concentrated energy to the site. Depending on the direction it is coming from, this energy can be either positive or negative. It is only positive when it comes from the North of North-East direction or East of North-East direction.

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For residential and commercial purposes, a plot with roads on all four sides is most promising. In the auspicious grids, you can fix the doors on all four sides.

  • A plot with three sides of roads falling into one of four categories below are considered auspicious:
  • A plot with roads to the North, East, and West, but no road to the South is lucky for residential and commercial purposes.
  • A plot with roads to the North, South, and East, but no road to the West is suitable for commercial purposes.
  • A plot with roads in the East, West, and South, but no road to the North is suitable for women’s residence and commercial ventures.
  • A plot with roads in the North, South, and West with no road to East is suitable for commercial purposes, but it’s moderate for building a residence.

A plot with two roads can be a corner plot or a plot with two lanes on opposite sides. These are divided into the following categories:

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Corner Plot Vastu:

  • Corner plots with roads to the North and East are ideal and auspicious. These are known as Eshanya plots. Vaidya plots are corner plots with routes to the north and west.
  • It is vital to ensure that the plot’s South-West corner is higher than the North-East corner and that construction is done in accordance with Vastu principles.
  • Agneya plots are corner plots with roads to the South and East. These aren’t magnificent plots. The overabundance of fire energy causes financial and other mental problems and is harmful to women specifically.
  • Nairutya plots are corner plots with roads to the South and West that should be avoided.

Plots With Roads on Opposite Sides:

  • A plot having roads in the East and West with the level of road and a plot lower in the east is considered moderate. If the road and plot level is lower on the western side, it should be avoided.
  • A plot having roads to the North and South, with the road level being lower in the North is also considered moderate. If the road level is lower in the South too, it should be avoided.

Some plots have roads on only one side. Let’s check the Guidance of Vastu for plots with roads on one side.

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Plots With Roads on One Side:

  • A plot with a road to the North is auspicious for building residential and commercial properties. If the plot and road are on the slope to the North-East is considered as a medium plot.
  • Also, a plot with a road in the East direction is said to be a moderate plot. However, a plot with a road sloping towards the North-East direction is moderate too.
  • A property with a road in the South is ideal for a woman running a business or any entertainment venture.
  • A property with a road in the West direction is better to be avoided.

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Vastu for Plots Don’ts

Avoid purchasing a plot near a religious structure such as a temple, gurudwara, or church. When the shadow of a temple falls on a house, it is very unlucky. There must be at least 100 meters distance between the two points.

Avoid buying a smaller plot between two big plots.

A water resource in the South and West is unlucky. Water resources such as wells, borewells, rivers, and so on are best in the North and East direction of the plot.

Mountains and hilly terrain in the South and West are excellent.

Avoid buying a plot close to a crematorium or a burial ground.

No high voltage lines shall be placed above the track nor should disturbances such as a pole, tree, or pillar be located before the plot.

There should not be banyan, peepal, or white fig trees within 100 meters of the plot.

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Where on the Plot Should You Built in Your House?

If you intend to buy a plot, it should preferably face North, as it is considered highly auspicious.
East and west-bound plots could also be considered; however, south-bound land should be avoided.


As a result, we all understand how important it is to follow Vastu when purchasing a plot.
You can also consult our Vastu experts to learn more about Vastu for plots, whether it’s for a North-facing plot Vastu, an East-facing plot Vastu, a South-facing plot Vastu, or a West-facing plot Vastu.

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